The Galactic Union
The Galactic Union was founded 2155 p. Chr. from Humans, Mak'Tar and the Targathian. Basing on democracy, the administration is represented by a parliament, senat and president. Each 2 years, a member supervises the prime minister, so this position is filled by all members alternatively. The members of the parliament elect a president for 4 years.
Furthermore the senat is established by the presidents of all members. Before a law is enacted, it has to be confirmed by the parliament, senat and president. Decisions are taken with bare majority. Becoming a new member, the candidate has to accept the Galactic Peace Accord, prohibiting aggression wars and permits the reestablishment of peace by the Galactic Union Military Army (GUMA) if violated.
Today, the Galactic Union has 23 members. The latest one are the Thermians.